
Grow your business with On-site surveys

While your analytics tells you something about what happens on your website, it doesn’t tells you everything behind customers’ decision-making. By knowing your visitors’ pain points and reasons why they love your product, you can stop guessing and start addressing your visitors’ real problems.

On-site survey is actually a small pop-up that prompt a visitor to answer a certain question(s).

Simple-to-use survey builder

You can setup a survey in seconds with the simple-to-use survey builder. To start creating a survey, log in to your UXsniff account and Go to Feedback > Surveys

  1. Choose a question type from the drop down menu:
    – Long text
    – Short text
    – Radio options
    – Checkbox options
    – NPS (Net promoter score)
    – Statement
  2. Edit the label and placeholder.
  3. You can drag and drop the questions to rearrange the orders.
  4. Customize the appearance.
  5. Set the targeting options. You can target the visitors by device type or page rules.
  6. Set the conditions to show to survey.

Inspect the survey results and start addressing your visitors’ real problems

On-site survey is now available for all plans, Try it for free.